sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Hi People, today I'm gonna talk about the Marriage of different cultures, hope you to enjoy. 

The cultures are icon of differences and singularities, which involve groups of people in specific prototypes with specific parameters. In this way, the difference between cultures can result for some people; something motivating that encourages learning about something different tan the daily things or can also result in brushes or problems. All the things referred before can be lived in a marriage between couples of different cultures.  It happens because they must learn to coexist with some characteristics of the culture of their pair, even if they don’t agree with these characteristics. If some couple can’t endure the situation, the relationship can be in troubles.

Another important fact in this topic are the parents friends and in general the closest people that determine the culture of each one. When someone is going to marriage, this entire people have an opinion to the situation of build a marriage with different cultures. It would be acceptation or denegation, bur the unique two people who can decide obviously with the permission of God, can be the couple.

A clear example of this was showed in the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, that shows a very hard situation. The problem began when Fotoula “Toula” Portokalos, which belongs to a Greek family, start a relationship with the North American Ian Miller. First of all, Toula want to meet Ian, but she also feels fear because she knows that think in a relationship with him can be a bad idea. The fear of Toula is caused by the custom that her family has of not marriage with people of different cultures tan the Greek. Over time, some close people to the family, start showing their favor to the relationship and some others don’t support the idea, fact that makes Toula feel undecided, even with the security and conviction of Ian. The fact that most affect Toula in This moment is the denial of her father, who shows irritating with the relationship for a long time. Finally, the couple take the determination of go over and show to everyone that the difference of cultures is not a fact when two people fall in true love and decide to wait and learn to coexist. With this decision, the parents of Ian and Toula accept the marriage and they learn to coexist too.

In conclusion, “the culture is knowledge that no one has to remember, it flows spontaneously, and it doesn’t have any sense to fight with its naturalness. We must show our own culture respecting and learning about the cultures of others."

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