sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

hi people!!

I have been reflecting about the endangered cultures, the analogy between the degradation of the ecosystem and the degradation of the culture. most people focus in the problem of the environment, but they don't know that the problem of the cultures and languages is in a status much more critical.

Sometimes people say that it would be nice to have an unique and universal language, but they don´t know about the consequences that this might cause, to understand that, we have to know that language is not only a couple of words, language is a combination of skills that each person has in orden to express himself. Making a relation based in diversity, we can see the diferent biological species as a biosphere, and in the same way we can see the diferent cultures and ideas of the diferent people arround the world as an ethnosphere. The definition that Wade Davis (anthropologist, ethnobotanist, writer and photographer) provide in the video "Dreams from Endangered Cultures" is, "the sum total of thoughts, dreams, miths, ideas, inspirations, intuitions brought into being by the human imagination since the dawn of consciousness".

In the article "the death of language", we find the opinion of an expert about the hole that is being made in our society with the "death" of cultures. "What we lose is essentially an enormus cultural heritage, the way of expressing the relationship with nature, with the world, between themselves in the framework of their families, their kin people, " says Mr Hagege a French linguisty, describing the magnitud of the problem that we are increasing every time we forget about every language and culture.

I think it's very important to conserve and protect the diferent languages, cultures, customs, and expressions that are spread arround the world because it's a way to be diferent and it's a way to be inspired to learn about diferent thing than the things that we see every days. It's important to listen to other people and respect what they think and it's importante to know that no one has to be judge base on their rase or ideas.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Jose. I agree very much with what you say in your post. I especially liked your discussion of the biosphere and the "ethnosphere".

